Install Smokeping On Centos 7

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How To Install SmokePing on CentOS 6.x. By Kamoltorn Theppunya. June 15, 2013. In Network, System. Step 4 Install smokeping. Configuring smokeping. Step 7 Rename config files and change security. Cd /opt/smokeping/etc/ for foo in *.dist.


Active Member
Hi All. I need some help from the Centos gurus.
I'm trying to install smokeping-2.6.9 on a Centos 7 machine. I've installed most of the required perl modules but i'm struggling with one (perl-config-grammar). When installing smokeping I receive this message:

checking checking for perl module 'RRDs' .. Ok
checking checking for perl module 'FCGI' .. Ok
checking checking for perl module 'CGI' .. Ok
checking checking for perl module 'CGI::Fast' .. Ok
checking checking for perl module 'Config::Grammar' .. Failed
checking checking for perl module 'Digest::HMAC_MD5' .. Ok
checking checking for perl module 'LWP' .. Ok
** Aborting Configure***************************
If you know where perl can find the missing modules, set
the PERL5LIB environment variable accordingly.
FIRST though, make sure that 'perl' starts the perl
binary you want to use for SmokePing.
Now you can install local copies of the missing modules
by running
./setup/ /opt/smokeping/thirdparty
The RRDs perl module is part of RRDtool. Either use the rrdtool
package provided by your OS or install rrdtool from source.
If you install from source, the RRDs module is located

This machine is not connected to the internet so I've installed the other perl modules from a local repository. I've googled this a bit but can't find any useful information. Quite new to Centos (and smokeping) so any help will be appreciated.

fping is a small command line tool to send ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) echo request to network hosts, similar to ping, but much higher performing when pinging multiple hosts. fping totally differs from ping in that you can define any number of hosts on the command line or specify a file with the list of IP addresses or hosts to ping.

Read Also: A Linux Sysadmin’s Guide to Network Management, Troubleshooting and Debugging

For example, using fping, we can specify the complete network range ( It will send Fping request to host and move to another target host in a round-robin fashion. Unlike ping, Fping is meant for basically scripting.

How to Install Fping in Linux Systems

In most Linux distributions, the package fping is available to install from the default package repositories using package management tool as shown.

Alternatively, you can install latest version of fping (4.0) from the source package using following commands.

Let’s see some Fping command with their examples.

1. Fping Multiple IP Address

The below command will fping multiple IP address at once and it will display status as alive or unreachable.


2. Fping Range of IP Address


The following command will fping a specified range of IP addressees. With below output we are sending echo request to range of IP address and getting reply as we wanted. Also cumulative result shown after exit.

3. Fping Complete Network with Different Options

With above command, it will ping complete network and repeat once (-r 1). Sorry, it’s not possible to show output of the command as it is scrolling up my screen with no time. Street racing syndicate pc game torrent download.


4. Reads the List of Targets From a File

Install Smokeping On Centos 7 7

We have create a file called fping.txt having IP address ( and to fping.

5. Show Version of Fping

Check the Fping version by executing the command.

Those who want to get more information with options about Fping command, please look into a man page. Also requested to try Fping command in your environment and share your experience with us through the comment box below.
