Daily English Conversation

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  2. Daily English Conversation Topics
  3. Daily English Conversation

“I found the Everyday English Speaking Course to be one of the best.
It definitely exceeded my expectation.” ~ Mak, India

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45 Lessons
45 Lessons
Get a discount when you buy both levels of the course!

(Or you can get these courses inside the Complete Program, with a 35% discount on 400+ lessons!)


Learn useful everyday English
in the context of conversations

This course is a simple, fun, and effective way to learn new words and expressions – and improve your ability to speak in English.

Each lesson is based on conversations on a specific topic. Reading and listening to the dialogues will help you improve your understanding of spoken English.

The next part of the lesson explains and expands upon the vocabulary you heard in the conversations, teaching you new words and showing you how to use them.

There are lots of practice phrases which you can listen to and repeat to improve your English speaking. Quizzes will help you test yourself and remember the new vocabulary – and there are also opportunities for you to send speaking samples and get feedback from me – the teacher.

Learn English for Daily Life

In this course, you’ll learn how to speak English in the typical situations of daily life:

  • Talking on the phone
  • Going to restaurants & going shopping
  • Traveling: airport, hotel, & sightseeing
  • Talking about hobbies & entertainment

Learn Social English

You’ll also learn important phrases for social English, so that you can interact with other English speakers successfully and confidently.

  • Agreeing & disagreeing
  • Giving opinions & advice
  • Asking & interrupting politely
  • Expressing thoughts & feelings

Learn Practical English

We also cover some practical vocabulary for talking about:

  • Information
  • Similarities & differences
  • Certainty & probability
  • Hypothetical situations

Interesting Topics in English

And finally, there are a few lessons on topics you don’t often find in textbooks:

  • Slang & euphemisms
  • Interjections & swearing
  • Discourse markers
  • Using vague language

Student Comments

Other students who have taken this course describe it as:

“Very good with clear explanations”

“Useful for daily life”

“Brilliant, warm, nice, and concrete”

“Totally worth it!”

More than 500 students have taken this course and enjoyed it – and I hope you will, too!

Lessons 1

Speaking Course Level 1 Lessons

Lesson 1 – Telephone English Phrases

First let’s learn some essential telephone vocabulary, and then you’ll hear examples of formal and informal telephone conversations – learning phrases for making a call, answering a call, taking and leaving messages, and finishing the call.

Lesson 2 – Apartments & Neighborhoods

Today you’ll learn phrases for searching for an apartment and talking about where you live. At the end of today’s lesson, instead of a quiz, there’s an opportunity for you to send me a speaking sample. Don’t be shy!

Lesson 3 – Talking About TV & Movies

Emily and Dave are a husband and wife who are relaxing in front of the TV on a Saturday night. Listen to them decide on which TV show to watch. Bill and Wanda are two friends who are chatting about movies; from their conversation, you’ll learn how to comment on movies.

Lesson 4 – Talking About Relationships

Today you’re going to learn phrases for talking about every stage of a romantic relationship – from the first impressions upon meeting each other, to starting a relationship, making it official, and breaking up.

Lesson 5 – Talking About Your Hobbies

The word “hobby” refers to an activity or interest that you do for pleasure or relaxation. In this lesson, you’ll learn vocabulary words for some of the most common indoor/outdoor hobbies, as well as phrases for talking about your passions.

Lesson 6 – Public Transportation

Today you’ll learn how to ask for information, buy a bus/train ticket, and take a taxi. After this lesson, you’ll be able to speak confidently when taking public transportation in English!

Lesson 7 – Driving & Directions

Listen to a conversation about a terrible road trip, and learn phrases for talking about driving actions/problems as well as asking for directions to your destination.


Lesson 8 – Restaurants – Part I

We’re going to eat out – that means eating at a restaurant. Today you’ll learn how to make reservations, what to say when you arrive at the restaurant, and how to understand the menu.

Lesson 9 – Restaurants – Part II

Today we’ll continue our restaurant lesson by learning how to order the food, how to pay the bill, and how to talk about your experience at the restaurant.

Lesson 10 – Ordering Drinks, Coffee, and a Pizza

I hope you’re still hungry, because today you’re going to learn how to order drinks at a bar, order coffee at a cafe, and order pizza for delivery.

Lesson 11 – At the Post Office and Bank

Today we’re going to run some errands. “Errands” are activities of daily life that you do outside your house. Let’s go to the post office – that’s the place where you can send mail and packages – and the bank.

Lesson 12 – Shopping

Today’s lesson is all about shopping – let’s begin by learning about the different types of stores. Then, you’ll hear typical dialogues when shopping for clothes and shopping at the supermarket.

Lesson 13 – Getting Sick & Going to the Doctor

Today you’re going to learn phrases for not feeling well, and how to talk to a doctor about health problems and treatments.

Lesson 14 – Crime & Safety

How to talk about different types of crime and criminals, the process of justice and punishments for crime, and how to report a crime to a police officer.

Lesson 15 – Talking about the Weather

In this lesson, you’ll learn practical words and phrases for describing the current weather and temperature as well as predicting weather conditions in the future.

Lesson 16 – Airport (Part 1)

Are you ready to take a trip? We’re going to start a series of lessons on practical English for use while traveling. Today we’re going to go through the airport step by step, learning important vocabulary and useful phrases along the way.

Lesson 17 – Airport (Part 2)

Today you’ll learn how to go through immigration and customs, what to say if you miss a flight, and how to report lost luggage.

Lesson 18 – At a Hotel

We’ll continue our lessons about practical travel English with dialogues for making a hotel reservation, checking in and checking out, and describing problems with your hotel room.

Lesson 19 – Sightseeing

Today’s dialogues focus on asking for tourist information and booking a tour. There are also two quizzes that test your listening ability.

Lesson 20 – Camping & Hiking

In today’s lesson, you’ll accompany George to the countryside and learn vocabulary and phrases for camping and hiking.

Lesson 21 – At the Beach

Listen to this conversation to learn phrases and vocabulary for describing a beach and talking about what you bring and what you can do there.

Lesson 22 – Social English: Basics

Many students are afraid of making a mistake or “saying the wrong thing” when talking with a native English speaker. These social English lessons will teach you phrases you can use with confidence in various social situations. Let’s start with some basic expressions.

Lesson 23: Likes, Dislikes, and Preferences

Denise and Robert are discussing a new design for their website. Listen to their conversations to learn various phrases for talking about things you like (or love), things you don’t like, and what you prefer.

Lesson 24: Invitations and Offers

Knowing how to make – and respond to – invitations and offers is a very important part of social English. It helps you build professional relationships as well as friendships. This lesson will teach you how to speak in these situations in a friendly way that’s appropriate for the context.

Lesson 25: Agreeing & Disagreeing

Co-workers Shannon and Cathy agree that there need to be some changes in their office – but when they present their proposal to vice-president Dan, he disagrees with every single one of their ideas. In today’s lesson, you’ll learn multiple phrases for agreeing and disagreeing in formal and informal situations.

Lesson 26: Arguing & Swearing

Daily English Conversation Speaking English Fluently

Yesterday you learned how to disagree politely – but what if the disagreement turns into a real argument? Listen to this conversation between Christine and Tara, who share an apartment, to learn some of the common phrases used for arguing.

Lesson 27: Apologizing & Expressing Regret

In yesterday’s lesson, you learned how to argue and swear in English – but after having an argument or fight, it’s important to apologize in order to maintain a good relationship! This lesson will teach you about the different ways to say you’re sorry and accept responsibility for what you did wrong.

Lesson 28: Expressing Concern, Sympathy, and Condolences

One of the most difficult social situations – for both native and non-native English speakers – is knowing what to say when someone tells you a piece of bad news. In today’s lesson, you’ll learn phrases for handling these conversations with sensitivity.

Lesson 29: Worrying, Reassuring, Cheering up, and Encouraging

In today’s conversation, Kate worries about her final exams and her older sister Robin tries to encourage her. In this lesson, you’ll learn phrases for expressing your concerns as well as helping other people feel better.

Lesson 30: Interrupting & Getting Back on Track

Knowing how to interrupt is an important skill in social English. The way you phrase your interruption will make a big difference in how it is received – so in today’s lesson, you’ll learn various phrases for interrupting politely.

Lesson 31: Asking Permission & Asking Indirect Questions

As you learned in the last lesson, the words you use make a big difference in whether your phrase is polite or impolite. Today we’re going to study examples of how to ask questions in a polite and indirect way.

Lesson 32: Common Interjections

Everyday spoken English contains lots of little expressions like wow, oops, aww, ooh, huh? oh, and cool! – each of these interjections serves to express a particular emotion or attitude.

Lesson 33: Common Euphemisms

Today’s lesson is about euphemisms. Euphemisms are indirect or vague expressions that are often used instead of words or phrases that are thought to be offensive or too direct. Most euphemisms are in topic areas that could be offensive if talked about too directly, such as love and sex, bodily functions, death, and mental capacity.

Lesson 34: Talking about Information

Today we’ll begin the final section of the Everyday English Speaking Course – it’s called functional English, and it focuses on practical phrases that you can use in a variety of situations and contexts. We’ll start this section by learning how to talk about information.

Lesson 35: Certainty & Probability

Today you’ll learn how to talk about certainty and probability – including all those confusing phrases like “I’m pretty sure,” “must have,” “might have,” “could have,” etc.

Lesson 36: Similarities & Differences

Kate mistakes a person in the supermarket for a friend of hers – and Jen tries to decide between two very different universities. These two dialogues will teach you various expressions for talking about similarities and differences.

Lesson 37: Talking about Decisions

How can you talk about easy and difficult decisions in English? What’s the difference between “undecided” and “indecisive”? And what are some phrases for evaluating a decision after it was made? You’ll learn the answers to all these questions in today’s lesson.

Lesson 38: Opinions & Advice

In today’s conversations, you’ll learn a number of different phrases for asking for someone’s opinion, giving your opinion, requesting advice, and giving advice.

Lesson 39: Complaining & Criticizing

When we want to make a complaint or criticism in English, we often use specific words or phrases to make it politer and less direct. This helps the other person to listen and understand the complaint/criticism without getting defensive.

Lesson 40: Discourse Markers

Today’s lesson is on some of the most common discourse markers. Remix tv series episode 1. What are discourse markers? They’re words or small phrases that express the connections between ideas when writing or speaking. You’ve already learned some of these in this course: for example, starting a sentence with “as I was saying,” to get back to the topic after an interruption.

Lesson 41: Idioms for Feelings

Idioms are small phrases that often have a different meaning than their individual words. Although idioms are not usually used in more formal written English, they are extremely common in spoken English – and we have a number of idioms to describe feelings and emotions.

Lesson 42: Using Vague Language

In spoken English, it’s very common to use vague (not precise or exact) expressions. Listen to today’s conversation: Martha is waiting for her teenage daughter, Rachel, to get home from a rock concert. Rachel finally walks in the door at 12:30 AM.

Lesson 43: Talking about Hypothetical Situations

This is often one of the most difficult grammar challenges for English learners. We use the second conditional and third conditional to do it. In today’s lesson, you’ll see examples in two interviews.

Lesson 44: Common Slang

Slang is not usually taught in textbooks, and you won’t hear it in academic or professional situations – but in movies, TV shows, and informal conversations, these words are used frequently. In today’s lesson, you’re going to learn 15 common slang words used in American English.

Lesson 45: Differences between Speaking & Writing in English

There are some real differences between written and spoken English in terms of vocabulary and grammar. In this lesson, you’ll learn three major ways that spoken English is different from written English.

Lessons 2

Lesson 1: Double Trouble

Lesson 2: Which Restaurant?

Lesson 3: Starting a New Sport

Lesson 4: The Chance of a Lifetime

Lesson 5: A Diet Dilemma

Lesson 6: A Perfect Puppy

Lesson 7: Considering a Career Change

Lesson 8: A Brand-New Smartphone

Lesson 9: Starting a Business

Lesson 10: At the Amusement Park

Lesson 11: Why Aren’t You On Time?

Lesson 12: Meeting New People

Lesson 13: A Complicated Coffee Order

Lesson 14: Previous Jobs

Lesson 15: Where Are You Spending The Holiday?

Lesson 16: Staying At A Hotel

Lesson 17: A Mysterious Movie

Lesson 18: Childhood

Lesson 19: The Times Are Changing

Lesson 20: An Embarrassing Moment

Lesson 21: Leadership

Lesson 22: Ethical Marketing

Lesson 23: Getting A Raise

Lesson 24: Language Learning

Lesson 25: An Inspiring Teacher

Lesson 26: A Great Vacation

Lesson 27: Bad Habits

Lesson 28: Wealth And Poverty

Lesson 29: Ready For An Adventure?

Lesson 30: Losing Your Temper

Lesson 31: Aging

Lesson 32: Inventing Something New

Lesson 33: A Looming Deadline

Lesson 34: The Accident

Lesson 35: A Bit of Gossip

Lesson 36: Immigration Debate

Lesson 37: Different Tastes

Lesson 38: Health Problems

Lesson 39: Music Lessons

Lesson 40: Regret

Lesson 41: Dealing With Teenagers

Lesson 42: Discussing The News

Lesson 43: Surprise!

Lesson 44: An Argument

Lesson 45: Cooking

Free Samples

Level 1 Free Samples:

Level 2 Free Samples:


How long is the course? What do I get?

There are 45 lessons in Level 1 of the course, and 45 more lessons in Level 2.

When you register, you’ll get instant access. You can take them online or download the text and audio. There’s NO TIME LIMIT, so you can study as fast or as slow as you want! And of course, you can always e-mail me if you have any questions about the lessons. I’m here to help.

How much time is needed?

Each lesson takes about 15 minutes to complete. There is NO TIME LIMIT for finishing the course – you can study at your own pace!

What level of English is necessary?

Level 1 of the course is great for pre-intermediate to intermediate English learners.

Level 2 of the course is great for upper-intermediate to advanced English learners

Can I see a sample lesson?

Yes! Here you go:

Level 1 Free Samples:

Level 2 Free Samples:

How can I pay?

You can pay for the course with credit card, debit card or PayPal.

I can also accept PagSeguro or Bank Deposit in Brazil – please contact me for the information.

Is the online payment safe?

Yes! The payments with credit card, debit card, and PayPal are made through a secure connection that keeps your information safe.


Student Story: Mak, India

It has been a year since I started learning English seriously. I have spent a lot of time and money buying and reading books and taking online courses from different authors and publishers. I found the Everyday English Speaking Course to be one of the best.

I was tickled pink to see it cover such a wide range of topics – from simple things such as telephone conversations and ordering food at a restaurant to dealing with tricky situations such as how to complain politely and criticize diplomatically. In fact, it covered many topics that none of the other courses did. It definitely exceeded my expectation.

What really sets it apart from others is that you get the opportunity to submit speaking assignments that Shayna evaluates and sends personalized feedback. This has been immensely valuable because it has helped me realistically assess my level of English and has boosted my confidence. This course has helped me a lot and I hope it helps you too.

Everyday English Speaking Course


Daily English Conversation Topics

45 Lessons

Daily English Conversation

45 Lessons
Get a discount when you buy both levels of the course!